Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Do you want your Business Performance Improved?

Connectivity . . . Manageability . . . Usability

Business today demands efficient seamless communication that facilitates customer responsiveness.

Our phone system, the NEC Univerge 8100 will give you a highly competitive advantage. The 360° communication encompasses fixed mobile and converge communication such as email and instant messaging.

Improve Customer Experience, Deliver Productivity and Versatility to Your Work Environment.

Let us tell you how we can help reduce operating costs, work smarter, and improve efficiency. Visit us at www.aboutact.com

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Top 10 Signs You May Need A New Phone System

Late night TV is not the only one who has a TOP 10. 

Here's the latest from Atlantic Communications Team.

Top 10 Signs You May Need A New Phone System

#10.  You have more missed calls than actual calls.

#9. You find your staff would rather use snail mail than your phone system.

#8. Your voice mail is a black hole – everything in and nothing out.

#7.  Your ceiling tiles are sagging because of all the hidden cabling.

#6. When your accounts receivable clerks rather use the pharmacy store pay phone (What’s a payphone exactly?)

#5. When your biggest client thought you were out of business for they can never reach you.

#4. You consider an intercom yelling down the hall.

#3. A conference call is having 2 phones – one for each ear.

#2. Two cans with a string gives you clearer reception.

And our #1 sign that you may need a new phone system is:

#1. You are considering buying teeth-whitening strips for your old phone.

ACT has the most current and cost-effective solutions to your business phone system. Visit Us at www.aboutact.com