Friday, January 11, 2013

How is your Telephone Customer Service?

In today's high-tech world, the one communication tool that remains a constant is the telephone.

Top Tips for Telephone Customer Service
  • Be prepared of what you are going to say before making your telephone call in case the conversation gets off track.
  • When we meet people face to face we often introduce ourselves with a handshake. On the phone we must do this verbally by greeting the customer with genuine warmth.

  • Be yourself and keep it friendly.
Most callers want to speak with a human being not a machine.
  • Making yourself understood by speaking clearly is a key principle of effective telephone customer service.

  • A friendly but authoritative tone of voice works well.
  • Make a list of positive words that sound upbeat and use them. Avoid using negative words and phrases on the telephone such as: “that's not possible” “forget it” “why didn’t you” “I don't know” “it's against policy” etc.
  •  In some ways, listening to your customer is more important than speaking.
  • If you have to put your customers on hold, make sure you explain why and for how long. Offering to call the customer back demonstrates courtesy and a willingness to help.

  • One thing that is a negative to customer relations is being passed around from person to person. Always get the callers details before you transfer them, so you can call them back if need be.

  • Properly compose your voicemail before delivering it. Rehearse announcements before recording them on your phone.

  • Do not take what difficult people say as a personal insult. Don't lose your temper and keep your attention on the facts. Try to get your customer's agreement as a way to resolving the call. 

  • At the close of a call, make sure you give assurance that any promises you have made will be fulfilled. 
  • Thank the caller and let them know their business is appreciated. Your ultimate aim should be that the caller remembers their telephone customer service experience in a positive way. 

·                     The Golden Rule. Always treat your customers exactly how you want to be treated yourself!

By following these telephone customer service tips not only will you communicate effectively with your customers - you will positively impact your company's bottom line.